
Success is Guaranteed

As with anything in life success on the spiritual path depends largely, if not exclusively, on how much we put in to achieving our aims

How to Breathe

A clearer understanding of the actual mechanics involved can greatly help in achieving a strong and healthy breath

Work, Accept

Fruitful practice, and equally a fruitful life, is achieved by managing a harmony between two seeming opposites

Your Pain

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding

Journey and Destination

Patañjali begins the Yoga Sutras with what we can call a ‘classical definition’ of yoga

Five Truths of Manhood

The purpose of a man is to look after all the life around him

Loving Kindness Meditation

Cultivation of positive loving feelings towards others works to support us, and others, as we walk our paths towards freedom

Faith is the Opposite of Fear

Faith is not blind belief or mental slavery to doctrine, creed nor gospel

Patañjali's Yoga Sutras

It is the original self-help manual

With Practice

The central principle of all contemplative spiritual practice is that we can all achieve higher knowledge, and thus the freedom and joy of liberation, by means of the quietening of the mind

Start Where You Are

Off-the-peg formulas, expecting all practitioners to do the same thing, every time, is like expecting everyone to wear the same-sized trousers

Three Conscious Breaths

We can consciously change negative and unpleasant thoughts and feelings by deliberately breaking their flow