Three Ways to Know

The purpose of spiritual practice is to come to know

The purpose of spiritual practice is to come to know
With knowing we achieve wisdom
Wisdom bestows such gifts as freedom, joy and harmony

There are three ways in which we can come to a knowing;

  • Inference/deduction
    Someone enters the house dripping wet, we can infer that it is raining
  • The valid testimony of a trusted other
    A person we trust tells us “It is raining”
  • Direct personal experience
    We go outside and experience the rain

Of these three, direct experience is the superior knowing
We can gain direct experience of Inner Truth by consistent committed and appropriate practice


sāmānyataḥ tu dṛṣṭāt-atīndriyāṇāṃ pratītiḥ anumānāt
tasmāt-api ca-asiddhaṃ parokṣam-āpta-āgamāt-siddham
Sāṃkhya Kārikā verse 6

pratyakṣa-anumāna-āgamāḥ pramāṇāni
Yoga sutras 1:07

